Monday, 10 December 2012

Evaluation (Music Video)

I would say I am very proud about my music video as it came out better than expected.I was going to do two music videos but I didn't have the equipment at the time. I filmed and edited the storyline for Madelenie. We decided to combine our efforts to make the video together.

The music went very well with the storyline as it was not too quick and pieced together. We didn't want to stick to the conventions of a stereotypical music video as we wanted to base it more on friendship than anything because everyone can relate to friendship. The story was to bring two opposite people together to create the ultimate friendship , by becoming one. I think we depicted that quite well in the second half of the video. However in the first part of the video its quite hard to tell that they are two different people, but not that hard.

The editing had to be quite subtle as the song was not to flashy neither was the story. So we embedded simple dissolves and enhanced the colours in some of the footage. But this did take some time as we were having some technical difficulties with 'Final Cut Pro'.But In the end the whole piece was edited to how much we could.

The advantages to the video is that it was simple, straight to the point but with a fun and interesting storyline.The disadvantages would be the quality of the camera and we really wanted to use the 'Clone effect' but it did not work out to well so we had to remove it.

Overall with the comments received I can officially say that the video turned out well and im highly proud of myself and Madeleine.

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