Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Blog post

My name is Caterina/Cate Amorelli, Im 16, I was born in the London UCL (Camden) on the 30th october 1995 , on a monday morning.Im currently studying at a City of Westminster College on a level 3 Btec creative media course.I have recently left my secondary school , Winchmore school.I live in North London , but I have 2 different houses because my parents are divorced, One in Winchmore hill and one in Edmonton.I have 3 other siblings called Sophia , who is the eldest at 20 , Cara my youngest sibling who is 15 and my brother Joe who is the only boy at 19.

Im most interested in film and Japanese/Korean culture. I am most inspired by Masashi Kishimoto, Tim Burton and Alfred Hitchcock.

When I say I'm most interested in Japanese and Korean culture Im a huge Manwha,manga and anime fan. I also cosplay , which is a form of dress up but you dress up like anime characters and go to expos or cons.My favourite animes are 'Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama' , 'Naruto' and 'Gantz'.

I also watch a whole lot of Youtube.My favourite youtubers are 'Onision' , 'Pewdiepie' and 'FightingDreamersPro'.

I have always been interested in film , because I have always wanted to make my own and discover how some things where don't in the film industry.My favourite films are 'Gangs Of New York' and 'The Warriors'. 

I have a wide range music I like it varies from the genres of Metal, Rock , Indie ,some R&B, alternative, K-pop, J-pop , J-rock , K-pop , some techno and I listen to a lot of anime music. However my Favourite artists of all time is 'Bloc Party' and 'F(x)'.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Skill set editing

Editing is a fundamental method used in film as its structures the entire film. Movies, tv and any video would not be the same in this era as we as viewers are too used to the conventional editing methods that we don't realise how easily editing has fooled us. Editing has advanced massively over the years as now people can now buy their own editing software and teach themselves to edit like a professional. The editors job is so important as they are probably the closest to the director as the director depends on them highly to make their dream film into a reality.  Also and editor is their to hide all of the filming mistakes that maybe be seen by the audience to save any embarrassment to the director. Overall without editors films would not be the same and really badly structured. 

Evaluation of the Gloaming

C. Watch ‘Playing with Time’ – watch the film ‘The Gloaming’. Write a short evaluation of the editing used in this film. Refer to detailed examples from the film and use the terminology you have learnt today.

Through simple pan shots at the beginning to show the viewers that the couple on the motorbike are newlyweds and happy by adding an up-beat non-digestic sound overlapping the film.Then suddenly cuts out into a gloomier scene where the female character is on her own with a darker music.And then suddenly cuts back into the happy scene creating the whole happy scene a flashback , making the gloomier scene the present.The whole video uses the same trick of cutting in an out to make the film sharp and on edge , because as the viewers we don't know when the next cut is. We don't know much about the girl or what happened to her husband by having her being the one shown makes the whole video more edgy as she is girl , dressed in white , on her own and very vunrable. The video uses different shots from close ups on her face and hands , wide shots of her surroundings and medium shots of her.Also the music in the begging is lost throughout he first minutes of the video and soon re-apperears but because of the diegetic sounds that come with it , its a whole different song as its comes across as creepy.Also we never hear her speak , the only noise that we get from her is the scream from when she lifts up the blanket and reveals the head beneath the blanket, making the whole video a whole lot mysterious and suspenseful.    

Editing , the invisible art.

Editing-The invisible art.

How can editing build tension and pace?

By changing shots and making them swap round quickly.
What is crosscutting?
Cutting to a different scene in the same surroundings.
What are reaction shots?
Reaction shots are shots of a close up of a characters face showing their expression. 

What is seamless editing?
Is editing us a viewers do not realise because we are used to the conventions.
What is a jump cut?
An edit used that as viewers can see , a deliberate joke.
What is a flash back and what does it achieve?
Take the audience from one time to another , to show key moments to help to the plot.
How can editing be used poetically?

it makes the viewer work harder to figure out the plot by sequencing two shots after the other that seem unrelated but are very related tot he plot.

Shot list ( in camera editing)

1. Feet close up
2.Wide shot-walking 
3.Quick turn , close up of face.
4.Close up , panic (tilt)
5.Corner shot-Stalker shot
6.Pan Camera
7.Close up of mouth "hello!?"
8.Breathing through stalker cam-Steady cam.
9.Camera running towards victim , victim screams.

In this video me and my group we given a task to depict someone being followed but only use In camera editing.We decided to use simple shots to present steady cam used in all slasher films to show someone being followed. We used a shot of the 'stalkers' feet to show that he is walking and a slow pan upwards to show that he is following his victim.Then the victim would turn to the sound of glass being smashed , and say "hello?". Then as soon as the victim resumed to what he was formally doing he is being chased and attacked.

The point to in camera editing is too show that filming is possible without editing and people have to understand the importance of editing, because without editing the film industry would not be the same. With my group we decided to test ourselves by using a single scene to  quicken the video and get the point across.The advantage to in camera editing is that we do not have to edit. However there are many disadvantages to in camera editing because we cannot remove the flaws of the video or enhance the video with further editing tools.But we were able to enhance the video without using any editing. On the scene we found an already broken bottle, So we added our own sound effects by smashing the bottle further to add suspense to the video. But the overall lesson about in camera editing is that it teaches us the importance of filming the scene right first time and every time, so that we wont have to choose between different videos to pick the correct one. If I could have edited the video I would have added some non-digetic sound to set suspense and fear, cut the video in places to quicken the pace and used a microphone to improve the sound quality.

Introduction to editing

Introduction To Editing

The Gloaming.

1) What is editing?

Editing is the building blocks to the narrative of the story. (Collective shots to make the story come to place.)

2)What is elliptical editing?

Elliptical editing allows the editor to fill in the gaps and quicken the scene that audience don't want to see , as in someone falling asleep and the next shot being them in the morning waking up.

3)Why are long shots used?

Long shots are vital to any film as its shows the audience the surrounding area , to reming the viewer the surroundings of the character.

4)What is 'Non-digetic sound'?

Non-digetic sound is Un-natrual sound added to the film that only the audience can hear to set the mood.

5)How do we know she is bending down to get the ring?

We know the character is bending down because the director uses a close up of the character looking down to a close-up of the characters hand picking up the ring to finally her looking at the ring in a extreme close up.


1) Over head establishing shot - what does this achieve? 

This type of shot enables us as viewers to set out the characters positions and surroundings.

2)What is a shot-reverse-shot?

This method is used to quicken the scene between two characters looking at each other or talking , going from character to character.

3)What is eye-line matching?

Eye-line matching is used between two characters in two different shots of the individual characters looking at each other depending on where they are and what position the look in their eyes should be.

4)Why do we cut to the other members of the group?

So that  if something is said we can catch the characters reactions and remind the viewers of the characters positions.

5)What is a 'Wipe' ?

A wipe is a slick transition used to change shots in different areas quickly.

6)What is the effect of using quick cuts?

The effect of quick-cuts keeps the audience informed of the situation , make the scene quick and to get to the point .

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

My video profile

Warning, Music is very loud at the start, reduce volume if you dont want your ears to bleed, thank you.

Monday, 8 October 2012


My video profile evaluation

My video profile is my first project on this creative media course , The purpose is to experiment and understand the five shot rule .I had use these 5 shots to show my creativity and understanding of the rule .I also used many other shots like p.o.v (point of view) , w.e.v (Worms eye view) to show the viewers the surrounding areas and make the video more 3rd dimensional . I would say that my video is very simple but executes many different angles, making it more interesting. I tried to keep my script short so that it wouldn't be boring and more straight to the point of who I am .I added a plain but up-beat track behind my video to set the scene of something that might be interesting. 

Overall I would say my video profile is ok , has room for improvement in my confidence in front of the camera but for my first project I would say I did good .I think I added more than just the one media of video as I used photos and video clips from online .By using different creative medias I can show that I can use more than just video to express myself .Most importantly my video profile has met the target of the brief by expressing my self and what I like to do via video.

People have said that my video is interesting as does explain who I am and what I like to do .Also that my editing may be simple but effective .And finally the simplicity is good as it is straight to the point which makes it easy to watch as there is not a lot to take in.

For improvement I would of just used 1 'SD' card rather than 2 as it make the work more difficult to execute .Use only one camera as one of the cameras quality was better than the other. Also to use a more than just a camera and a tripod and maybe use an external mic to pick up my voice more than having the echo in the background all the time.

Lastly I would say that I did my video profile at the best of my abilities at the time and I hope that my experience with editing software and my confidence in front of the camera improves.