Monday, 22 October 2012

Shot list ( in camera editing)

1. Feet close up
2.Wide shot-walking 
3.Quick turn , close up of face.
4.Close up , panic (tilt)
5.Corner shot-Stalker shot
6.Pan Camera
7.Close up of mouth "hello!?"
8.Breathing through stalker cam-Steady cam.
9.Camera running towards victim , victim screams.

In this video me and my group we given a task to depict someone being followed but only use In camera editing.We decided to use simple shots to present steady cam used in all slasher films to show someone being followed. We used a shot of the 'stalkers' feet to show that he is walking and a slow pan upwards to show that he is following his victim.Then the victim would turn to the sound of glass being smashed , and say "hello?". Then as soon as the victim resumed to what he was formally doing he is being chased and attacked.

The point to in camera editing is too show that filming is possible without editing and people have to understand the importance of editing, because without editing the film industry would not be the same. With my group we decided to test ourselves by using a single scene to  quicken the video and get the point across.The advantage to in camera editing is that we do not have to edit. However there are many disadvantages to in camera editing because we cannot remove the flaws of the video or enhance the video with further editing tools.But we were able to enhance the video without using any editing. On the scene we found an already broken bottle, So we added our own sound effects by smashing the bottle further to add suspense to the video. But the overall lesson about in camera editing is that it teaches us the importance of filming the scene right first time and every time, so that we wont have to choose between different videos to pick the correct one. If I could have edited the video I would have added some non-digetic sound to set suspense and fear, cut the video in places to quicken the pace and used a microphone to improve the sound quality.

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