Introduction To Editing
The Gloaming.
1) What is editing?
Editing is the building blocks to the narrative of the story. (Collective shots to make the story come to place.)
2)What is elliptical editing?
Elliptical editing allows the editor to fill in the gaps and quicken the scene that audience don't want to see , as in someone falling asleep and the next shot being them in the morning waking up.
3)Why are long shots used?
Long shots are vital to any film as its shows the audience the surrounding area , to reming the viewer the surroundings of the character.
4)What is 'Non-digetic sound'?
Non-digetic sound is Un-natrual sound added to the film that only the audience can hear to set the mood.
5)How do we know she is bending down to get the ring?
We know the character is bending down because the director uses a close up of the character looking down to a close-up of the characters hand picking up the ring to finally her looking at the ring in a extreme close up.
1) Over head establishing shot - what does this achieve?
This type of shot enables us as viewers to set out the characters positions and surroundings.
2)What is a shot-reverse-shot?
This method is used to quicken the scene between two characters looking at each other or talking , going from character to character.
3)What is eye-line matching?
Eye-line matching is used between two characters in two different shots of the individual characters looking at each other depending on where they are and what position the look in their eyes should be.
4)Why do we cut to the other members of the group?
So that if something is said we can catch the characters reactions and remind the viewers of the characters positions.
5)What is a 'Wipe' ?
A wipe is a slick transition used to change shots in different areas quickly.
6)What is the effect of using quick cuts?
The effect of quick-cuts keeps the audience informed of the situation , make the scene quick and to get to the point .
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