Monday, 7 January 2013

Task 4

Analyse 3 different TV adverts and state which persuasive skills and lines of appeal have been used.

Advert 1
Product name: Party food
Persuasive technique: Adjectives
Product USP: promoting food sexually  

This advert would be classed as very persuasive as they try make the food seem amazing by putting the alluring voice of a woman over the video describing the 5 senses of the food.

Advert 2
Product name: Compensation
Persuasive technique: Fact
Product USP:  Animation and facts.

This is vert persuasive as the advert targets most people who have had an accident and would like to receive compensation. Also it shows us a viewers how much we are guaranteed depending on the affliction.

Advert 3
Product name: Sofas
Persuasive technique:  Adjectives and facts
Product USP:  Sales and being friendly

This is also very persuasive as it shows you how they have dropped their prices and how happy all the actors were when they were with there 'new' sofas. Making it all seem homy.

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