Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Task 6

The Regulators.

The main people in charge who regulate TV advertising in the UK are the 'ASA' (Advertising Standards Authority) 

The way In which to complain about a TV advert if it was somewhat offensive is to visit the 'ASA' website and follow the rules.

In this video well know celebrities are talking about 'Famine' in Africa. But they twist it so that whenever they said 'Famine' the word would be censored ,making the viewers think they are saying the 'F' word but by censoring it they are making it a message that the famine has be censored are covered up and overlooked.

This advert was probably banned because of the false way of explaining the advert , many people would think that it was almost a joke towards the famine because of the use of censoring the word. And also the thought of the celebrities using the 'F' word could offend some viewers.

I don't think the regulators were right to ban this advert as, it had a message and did not mean to come across as offensive. However the advert should have used another way of proclaiming the message as they started of harsh.

Overall the use of the 'ASA' and the banning of advertisement is and always will be up the viewers as we as an audience have to witness and be exposed to all adverts. However some adverts come with a message and further conclusions that some people may not understand or look in too. And in my opinion adverts like the 'famine' one should not be taken down because of inaccurate use of words and assumptions of words because it was us as the viewers  to make the assumption. 

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