Our advert was of course represented as a 'Hard Sell Advert'. We wanted to do so because we found the last hard sell advert we did was most effective. We also wanted in incorporate the use of a humorous and factual advert. Our idea was that a person would be having trouble seeing and be stopped by our saleswoman, giving them a pair of glasses that are suited to them. We went further on and putting characters in situations that would need the use of eye sight but they lack in their vision. We also put a scientist in our advert so that the advert was more to the truth as a scientist was also proving out product to be worth wile. And to finish it of we would present our audience with an offer that would grab the attention of viewers more.
Our advert was faithful to my original idea . We made minor changes by adding an extra character (postman). We kept to our story board and script so that the plan would be fulfilled. Our idea was so that we can show people that everyone needs to get their eyes checked. To prove it we showed a range of different people. We were able to executed this by making different characters with costumes,props and wigs.
Our advert was ideal for our target audience of people who are busy and are unable to get their eyes checked.We wanted to use a humorous approach so that it wasn't all fact. Our audience was aimed at working class and both men and women. And we were able to achieve our aim of target audience by saying that its accentual to go to the optician. And to make sure people go to specsavers we advertised an offer.
I am most proud of how the advert was filmed we were able to show blurred vision within filming. Also we used green screen and we were able to use it affectively without it looking amateur. We also experimented with props and use of different characters which pushed us to do further than expected. We wanted to use different character to make the advert seem more to the public.
Compared to previous specsavers adverts we were able to be humorous as well as factual which I think former adverts lacked in. Because they were mainly humour compared to fact. We as a group were able to combine both to make a well rounded advert. However our advert was far from professional. As we had sound difficulties and our camera was not the best of cameras.
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