BBC news a British company from the ‘British Broadcasting
Company’. The show was developed to inform their viewers on what is happening
around the world and current affairs in Britain. The company has millions of customer’s
everyday as the British consume all forms of the BBC every day.
The news corporation’s obvious parent is the BBC as the company
owns the main channels in Britain. The founder of the BBC was ‘Sir John Reith’,
but in charge of news since 2004 is ‘Helen Boaden’.
BBC news has been around since 1934. The public relied on
newspapers and radio stations in the 1900’s as it was their only form of news.
But then the BBC created news on the television so that the viewers can see and
hear about the world. Also this helped the British understand WW2 more as
presenters were able to show and inform the British about what was going on.
The BBC news produces over 120 hours of radio and television
news each day, as well as online coverage. The company has sustained 44 foreign
news bureaux and has corresponded in almost every country.
The company owns many broadcasting buildings wide spread over
England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The budget over the whole department is annually £350
million. With 3,500 staff ( 2,000 are journalists ) the company is nowhere at
lost. The company is seen online,
newspapers and advertised on radio stations owned by the BBC.
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